The reality of Life in today’s world is the same as it has always been—birth, death, old age and disease. In the era of the present new age today, misery, suffering is the reality in most people’s lives.

The harsh factual truth and reality of life is: after a long but short living in the world, you begin to understand that you don’t belong here. As you get old in life you realize that you are only like a pilgrim here on earth.

“O learned one, in this Iron Age men have died but lived short”... affirmed, Shukadeva Goswami.

Life is really sophisticated with various realities. Sometimes these realities are really harsh and difficult for us to accept.

Whether you agree or not, we all have been ignoring these harsh realities of life for some time. Maybe you feel you won’t get old, never die, or get sick. Such thought and belief is absolutely stereotypical.

Until you learn to accept these realities you we never discover your purpose. In as much as you’d like to live easy lives full of happiness and abundance, life can be very challenging at times.

Heedless of what you do, who you are, or how you try, life will throw plenty of obstacles to knock you off the track. You can get derailed unexpectedly from your plans and goals just in a sudden of a second.

I had a life experience many years ago which gave me such an unimaginable idea when I deep in to know the reality of life. My life experience has ever been the major inspiration of this manuscript.

Years ago, I was caught in a dilemma of intense “thoughts and imagination” about my life, existence and reality been surrounded with doubts. Every day or night, different kinds of questions would arouse inside of me quite intensively. A strong and vehement question always implored in me with absolute emphasis “why do I live? What is the secret behind my life?” But as those question persisted in me, the proportional I became clouded with confusion, doubts and uncertainties. Life is absolutely mysterious and unusual.

The effectiveness of life in every Man make lives on earth into a reality. Literally, how does life happens to exist initiating it possession in man? Can you imagine such supernatural gift?

How about my life? Ooh, how about yours?
Every Man living on Earth would probably wonder not even once but constantly about their existence and reality on Earth. We are obviously been surrounded with tons of questions seeking to know the factual reality of our lives.

Life enables Man to live and causes daily realistic activities in him. The thoughts we transform, working strategy, eating, driving are all perform by us because we all carry life in us; what an amazing gift!

Every Man on Earth is purposeful with varieties of skills, Talent, Destiny and a mission to fulfil on Earth. That’s quite a good reason of living.

After many years of brainstorming about my life reality and purpose, I found myself in an unusual realm with a strong feeling of thoughts from my thinking mindset, like a voice silently speaking in me with strong sense of direction and intuition in the cool of the day. Then my thoughts affirmed, “Life is extraordinary, supernatural gift of purpose from the creator to every Man”. My feelings were filled with doubts and the quest to intuit the fate of every Man in the universe became strong. I absolutely discovered that as Men lives, every Man is mandated as a pilgrim on Earth with a unique task to undertake as his obligation, responsibility and duty which he will account for, at the end.

This is quite true, during a research I found that every Man on Earth is being programmed purposeful. Over 400 years before birth, Man is endowed with unique gifts and skilled to render as services in solving and providing solution to humanity in the universe, with a divine helper to enable him in challenges and failures. Our talents, gifts, purpose and destiny are unusual endowment.

“Human life in the universe”

Thousands of years, Man has looked into his surrounding in the lithosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere but wondered: what is really out there? The reality beyond the sky, on Earth and beneath the Earth wasn’t peculiar to his knowledge and understanding.

Over 1000 years ago, Abraham son of Terah would always go to a lonely environment in the dawn of the day looking strict into the sky thinking and wondering about the Stars and the Moon as well as the reality of life in the universe.

Have you ever had a chance of thinking and wondering for yourself the reality of life in our world today?

Life in the universe is a path to greater human experience.

Base on my critical research and years of several life experiences I discovered some prominent realities of life that apply to everyone, rich, poor or famous, it doesn’t really matter, we all face these realities of life.

“The world doesn’t really owe you anything you feel you don’t deserve. You’re not owed anything. You’re who you want to be in the world”.

This is difficult for some people to acknowledge. However, it’s apparent, what we sow is exactly what we are going to reap in life.
We live in a world with nothing without our efforts. Everything between birth and death depend on the efforts, hard work, perseverance, and opportunity we build on ourselves into successfulness.

Every man is born and wired with potentials. Your world is never an obstacle neither a limitation to your life achievement. Whether you are poor wealthy or famous the world has nothing to count for that.

The world doesn’t owe you. Perhaps, you’re way out, poor, devastated, unsuccessful, and mischievous don’t hate your world, it never the cause of your unfortunates and failures. Rather strive positively to maximize to the fullness of your potentials.

Who told you, your world is the problem? It isn’t, you’re definitely the problem to your life! They are people with exceeding potentials and talent who are suppose to create a better world yet have failed, dead and buried in the cemetery. The world isn’t the reason for failures. We’re! You’re! I am!

“All men are sent to the world with limitless credit, but few draw to their full extent”...myles munroe.
No one is born without potentials, talent, destiny, purpose and success. However, our potentials, destiny, purpose and talent aren’t just enough for maximizing the success and achievement of our lives in our world.

Been successful, rich and famous is a choice of passion. Unlike our potentials and talent are the personal responsibilities of our lives.

Everything in life has potentials. These simplify the concept of the seed. As small as you can merely look at the seed, it has the potential of becoming a tree with over hundreds of seeds in it. Perhaps numerous days might count for a seed to become a full grown tree, as far as it planted germination starts immediately when they is moisture or water in the soil. This is similar to Man, The moment you have not realize the way to success, failures always remain the obstacle against your life. Remember the seed will never germinate in a dry soil. When soil contains moisture the planted seed germinates. This is likewise to Man, the moment you have not discover your way to success, failures always persist.

Potential is not equally a reality, there are processes that transmits potential into reality. Potentials can be transmuted into reality base on how they are maximized into reality.

Nothing in life is instant. Everything happens as a process. Though, people expect that money, power and success should be sped off in an instant, but they really are not.

We are responsible for the potential stored in us. We must learn to understand it and effectively use it. Too often our successes prevent us from seeking that which yet lies within us. Success becomes our enemy as we settle for what we have. Refuse to be satisfied with your last accomplishment, because potential never has a retirement plan. Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. In essence, what you see is not all there is. You are more than what you have done.