It's imperative you should participate in the ongoing SDS (Self-Develovepment Series) on our blog. You are welcome, indeed a warm advantage.


I'm highly indebted for your interest for joining the SDS, It's my great pleasure to assure you of all the extraordinary information, knowledge and impart you are yet to encounter.


You have got to endeavor to be prompt and punctual on our blog as you embark on the SMT (Self-Made Traits) Series which is about to be launched on 26th June, 2020.


About SDS (Self-Development Series)


SDS: Meaning, Self-Development Series is an extraordinary Self-Improvement, Motivational, educational, and personal development scheme hosted on this blog - SA | CD ( Success Author | Creativity Drive ) by BSG - Success Blogger/Author (Writer).


SDS Scheme is mandated to commence once in a week - which will definitely be updated every Sunday of the week. SDS Scheme is a continuous series looking forward to transform lives without season on


SDS Scheme Aims to transform lives financially, educationally, socially, morally and to make impacts in the lives of others vastly on Self-Improvement, motivation, development, discipline and financial empowerment through a positive informative blogging medium.


SDS Scheme is an unlimited series which occurs in an installment once a week. It pertain varieties of topics that follow up serially.


We are delighted to present to you the commencement of SMT ( Self-Made Traits ) commencing on 26th June, 2020.


We hope you will participate in this life transforming scheme which will be commencing every Sunday of the week. Simply visit our blog every Sunday of the week to get in touch @


About SMT ( Self-Made Traits )


Since time immemorial, we have all lived in a world where everybody wants riches, wealth, and abundance and to succeed in all our life endeavors.

Yet only few people are able to live their dreams. Majority of people in the world in the 21st Century are below the property level most especially in Africa.


Haven't researched, discovered and recovered most of the problems and solution toward eradication of poverty and to evolved success and achievement in the lives of people.


We proudly host the SMT scheme to educate inform and develop all growing minds with the right concept and precept in order to help them achieve their dream success and achievement.


You are solemnly welcome to the new race of success achievement prospect. SA | CD ( Success Author | Creativity Drive ) hosting SDS ( Self-Developement Series) and  commencing SMT ( Self-Made Traits ) is ready to explore you with the right information to abide and achieve your dreams.

Don't forget: launched the Self-made Traits on 26th June 2020.