How TO Excel In Exams
Hello students, do you hate exams? Probably, exam is difficult for you. Well, I will show you some Student Highflyer’s tips to excel in your exams that will improve your knowledge toward examination Excellency.
You don’t have to panic, do not be afraid. Exam is like a demon when you are afraid of it. It’s the beginning of your failure. Just prepare for it, believing you will pass. Work hard and pass out with high grade.
#1.Do light study before 3week to exams.
#2.Review and revise what you’ve learn in school within 48 of what you’ve learnt.
#3.Don’t spend hours on your computer, television or any other distractive activity prior to 1week of your exam.
#4.Don’t just start studying a day prior top your exams.
#5.Sleep well before exams.
#6.If you’re weak in Mathematics try learning calculation and formula.
#7.Don’t waste time; schedule your reading tame table.
#8.Eat healthy food and as well memory boosting supplements.
#9.Review past question papers.
#10.Discuss with your reading mates about your exams expectations.
#11.Study extra for your exams: don’t settle for barely passing.
Advice TO Students Preparing For Exams (Utuagha, B.I.C – Insight on English Language)
As a candidate preparing for Exams, you should intensify your reading and preparation months or weeks before the exams.
Do not procrastinate i.e. postpone your reading, thinking that you still have a long time ahead. You may be caught unaware before you know it.
You should be motivated to study hard by knowing what you stand to lose if you fail to study.
Remember that you may not be able to sustain concentration for more than two or three hours of steady reading.
You should therefore provide some 20 to 30 minutes short break time for yourself within the intervals. This is necessary because it enables you to refreshed and assimilate more of what you have studied.
Place to study
The right atmosphere for studies is very essential. You cannot concentrate in a place where there is a lot of distraction.
For you to study well, a balance food, good health and adequate rest is absolutely necessary. You also need mental stability and alertness; therefore you should avoid getting drunk if you must study.
Occasionally test yourself and ability by writing essays or objectives on the subjects you will face in exams.
Pass your answers to someone capable of marking it correctly. By so doing you will know your weak points and improve on them before the actual examination day.
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